Balance hormones for optimal health and vitality.

Revitalize your life with our customized hormone therapy designed specifically for women. We understand the unique complexities of female hormone balance and offer personalized solutions to support overall health and wellness. From menopause management to reproductive health, our compassionate team provides comprehensive care to help you thrive at every stage of life.


For women, having one’s hormones checked regularly will reveal whether hormones are optimized. This may help avoid hormonal imbalance in a woman’s endocrine system. The good news is that Smart Body’s method of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) may help balance female hormones. Learn more about female hormones and the signs of hormonal imbalance by booking a teleconference with one of our approved medical personnel.

What Causes a Hormone Imbalance in Women?

Hormone imbalance in women can occur as part of the aging process and may reflect genetic predispositions for certain conditions. However, hormone balance or imbalance can also be affected by the foods we eat, the exercise we get, and the amount of stress we experience.

What Is the Endocrine System?

When a hormonal imbalance in a woman’s endocrine system occurs, it can cause a variety of problems. The endocrine system is a series of glands that produce and disseminate hormones throughout the body. A woman’s hormones do much more than just regulate mood and sexuality—they can determine whether an individual may be at risk for elevated blood sugar, decreased bone density, and thyroid problems.*

What Conditions Can Hormone Imbalance Cause?

When a female has a hormone imbalance in their endocrine system, they can develop symptoms that range from subtle to debilitating. This means there is either too much or too little of a woman’s hormones being produced somewhere within the endocrine system. Symptoms of a hormonal imbalance in women may include:

  • Heavy, irregular, or uncomfortable periods
  • Decreased bone density
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Breast tenderness
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation or diarrhea

What Type of Female Hormone Imbalance Therapies Exist?

There are many paths when choosing a course of medical treatment for hormone imbalance in women. One is doing nothing to optimize hormones and hoping that the patient will feel better. Another is the conventional medicine route and suggesting treatment options that may mask a woman’s symptoms. The third is to consider optimizing hormones with Smart Body trained medical personnel. Book a teleconference to understand this thoroughly.


This can vary dramatically, depending on which delivery method is chosen (pills, creams, patches, under-the-tongue troches), and can even vary month-to-month as the dosages are dialed in. With bloodwork, our Smart Body Medical professionals can get you started at optimal levels and monitor this monthly as we move forward.

Reach Out to Us Now!

Unlock your path to wellness. Contact us today for tailored hormone and weight management services crafted just for you.